"lo, children are an heritage of the lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, so are children of the youth".psalms 127:3-4

This memorial website was created to remember our beautiful babygirl, KALYNNE MARIE FLORES who was born in Las Cruces, NM on July 24, 2007 and passed away on December 6, 2007. You will always be missed....forever loved....and never forgotten in our hearts
JULY 24,2007-DECEMBER 6,2007

This tiny little baby
Was sent from God above
To give our precious baby love
And be grateful and so blessed
To fill our hearts with happiness
And touch our lives with love
He must have known
We'd give our all
And always do our best
When you wonder the meaning of life and love
Know that I am with you
Close your eyes and feel me kissing you
In the gentle breeze across your cheek
When you begin to doubt that you shall ever see me again
Quiet your mind and hear me
I am in the whisper of the heavens
Speaking of your love
I'll just wait in heaven,
Till we meet again.
I know you miss me
Just remember I am free
Free from pain and sorrow,
Gods love fills each tomorrow.
My love is in your heart,
We'll never be apart.
Cherish the love we share,
Remeber how much I care.
Someday we will be together,
Because love lives forever.
So I'll just wait in heaven,
Till we meet again.
God sent MY ANGEL to this earth
The sweetest little angel too
And for such a tiny little thing she had so much to do
She knew she did not have
much time upon this earth to stay
So she did not waste a second and got started right away
Her eyes were bright and sparkly
She took in every turn.
She did not miss a single thing
because MY ANGEL came to learn.
God sent her here to touch the hearts of those he could not reach
She taught them courage, strength and faith
because MY ANGEL came to teach.
Her tiny little body was full of God above
You felt it when you held her
because MY ANGEL came to love.
She did her patty cakes, made her monkey face,
batted colored keys all day,
stroked her bunny unitl she fell asleep
because MY ANGEL came to play
In four short months
she managed what many never will
When she went with Jesus her purpose was fullfilled.
I know heaven is just so heavenly
and she absolutely loves it up there
But how I miss her oh so much
I can almost hear Him say
MY ANGEL did not come to stay.

If I could have one lifetime wish
One dream that could come true
I'd pray to God with all my heart
For yesterday and you.
A thousands words could not bring you back
I know....because I've tried.
Neither could a thousand tears
I know.....because I've cried
Forever will I love you.

You will always be my mom...
As I sit with angels I look down at you and point proudly See . .See her . .over there,
That's her! Did you know I could hear your thoughts at night when you used to lie in bed staring. rubbing your hand on your belly
Looking up at the ceiling in the dark wondering things. Who I would look more like About how my laugh would sound my first steps.
I am always along side you, Sometimes you can feel me, a brush against your dress, a breeze on your face, that's when I kiss you,
You have always kept me, in your mind and heart Thank you!
One day we will be together in heaven and you will cry and lift me in your arms and I will hug you so very tight and never let go,
But for now I have to, No matter where you go, what you do I am with you,
Always know that I am "Your Little Angel", I love you mommy . . .