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From Mommy to KalynneKalynne's 1st BdayVictims Day 09Kalynne's 2nd BdayKalynne's 3rd BdayVictims Day 2011
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Kalynne's 2nd Bday

Happy 2nd Birthday My Lil Princess


My Princess Cake





All of my balloons and flowers my Mommy got me :)


My great big balloon                                                                     Some of my princess barbies and new doll

My stone with my princess crown that my Mommy got me            My Mommy got a lil excited with my bday decorations :)




 My god borther whom I love so much and who doesnt let my memory fade. There is my Mommy w/some of her balloons

My great grandma Maria                                                        My Nina Jenn and my other Nina Crystal

Some of my family scattered everwhere                                     My Mommy again trying to untangle her balloons

 My cousin Yvonne attaching more balloons to my special place    Some of my balloons that I loved catching :)

More of my special balloons

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