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Kalynne's 3rd Bday

Happy 3rd Birthday Kalynne!!!

My BIG balloon my Mommy gets me every year. My special decorated before my family arrives.

My Mommy bought new Barbies and a Bday crown.      I got a new baby and other bday gift my Mommy got me.


A picture of my bench with the other decorations.       There is my 3rd bday balloon covering my face :)


My princess cupcake cake my Mommy got me. My Mommy saved me the pink princess to add to her collection of my Birthday stuff.


My family started to get to my special place to help celebrate my 3rd bday, and started to add balloons to my special place. The other picture is my Aunt Sonie, and my cousin Gina.

My Grandma Maria, my Aunt sally, My grandma Gracie and cousin Summer all came to help celebrate my 3rd Birthday with me and my Mommy. My cousin Yvonne and Anisa holding their balloons getting ready to release them to me.

My cousin Duvan and Jouquin holding my balloons.   There is my Grandma Gracie getting her balloons ready for me.

 My Uncle Alejo is trying to hid behind my BIG balloon he is gonna release to me.  There is my Grandma Gracie again with my Auntie Rose, and my Mommy's friend Liz.

There is my Grandma Maria, along with my Yvonne and the rest of my family getting ready to release all my balloons. There is another pic of my special place with more of my Bday gifts from all my family. Thanks for the gifts.......I love you all!!!

There is my Aunt Betty with her daughter Stacey and my cousin Diazha.  There is my cousin Stacey while her daughter hides behind my balloons :)

More of family holding all my balloons.                     My Mommy trying get all her balloons untangled.

There is my Mommy again watching the bundle of balloons she released to me, along with my Nina holding her balloon that wouldnt fly.  There is some of the bundle of balloons that my family released for me.

I had to get all my angels friends to help me catch all these balloons. We had so much fun catching them!

There is my cake lit with my 3 candles while my family sings to me. There is my Mommy lighting my candles for my cake. I love you Mommy!!!

There is my special place with my flowers my Mommy bought for me.

Thank you all for helping me celebrate my 3rd Birthday at my special place.

I love you all very much!!!

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