A candle was burning brightly in the Mitchell house hold for Kalynne and
her little Angel friends, on October 15th.
I sure bet the view from heaven was spectacular as they all
watched the eternal wave of light travel around the world
in Loving memory of our tiniest Angels on
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance day.

I have gone from sight, but I am waiting....
waiting just beyond the Rainbows end.
I am HAPPY in this place that I have come to,
because I am here with my "Forever Friends".
Now all your thoughts of me...let them be joyfull,
of things we've done & HAPPY times we've shared,
don't be sad dear ones that I have left you,
please LAUGH and speak of me as if I'm there...
Just look up to the Sky~I am the SUNSHINE,
I'm the mist that rises in the summers morn,
I'm the gentle breeze that cools the autumn evening,
When the Birds sing in the trees ~ I am the song!
This Journey I have made~ one day you'll make it,
you too will be with my "Forever Friends"........
It's then, once more, that we will be together.....
I'll meet you, just beyond the Rainbows End......
I'm waiting......just beyond the Rainbows End!

Jesus calls the children dear,
“Come to me and never fear,
For I love the little children of the world;
I will take you by the hand,
Lead you to the better land,
For I love the little children of the world.”

Wishing you lots of fun in Heaven playing
in the piles of leaves! Love You! : )
Seasons change but the love and
memories always remain.

Goodnight little angel. Sweet dreams ♥