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From Mommy to Kalynne
Mommy July 16, 2009
Mommy loves you!!

Hi my sweet lil angel,


It will soon be your Birthday in 8 days!! You would be turning two! I wonder how you would look, how you would act and how long your hair would be? So many things I always wonder about knowing I will never know the answer to. The one thing I do know is that I love you ever so much and that will never change!!


With each passing day I miss you more and more, if thats possible.  You were and still are my babygirl.......and now my angel! No matter how hard I try to move on with my life and be happy, I cant! Nothing is ever the same anymore regardless of how much I try to convince myself or others.  I am happy at times but then I realize that I am without you and it all goes down hill after that.


I dont understand WHY!! I have so many questions that no one can answer and it tears at me baby. Especially w all the different court hearings having to hear everything over and over again.


I love you my beautiful Kalynne and that will never change.

You will always be my beautiful babygirl now matter what happens.

I will continue to miss you each and everyday we are not together.

One day closer to being with you!


Your Mommy Forever March 15, 2009
Missing you my babygirl!!!!

Hi beautiful,

I remember I would always call you that, not Kalynne, but my beautiful!! You are and always will be...I promise! You are the one great love of my life. I have never loved anyone the way I love you, baby.  Your Mommy's girl!!!  What I would do to have you back in my arms!  I would give anything.  Some parents do not realize how lucky they are to have their children in their lives and watch them grow, something we will never experience.

I think of you each and everyday when I wake up and eveynight when I go to sleep even though is has been 15 awful, dreadful, the worst months of my life.  Everywhere I go I think of you and look for things to get you and put out at your special place. 

I hate being without you! Each day is one day closer to being with you and I cannot wait! I want to be able to give you all the love I have.....that is just for you. When you went to play with the angels you took me with you, except the physical part of me. I miss you baby, more than anyone will every know. You are my heart and always will beautiful babygirl!!!!!

Please forgive me for not being there that night and coming home sooner......I am so so very very sorry baby!! me.

I will love you forever


Miss you always


Sending you all my love! Muah! XOXOXO

MOMMY January 2, 2009

Hi my pretty girl,

  Well its another year that I had to start without you and I absolutely hate it!!! It isnt fair and I dont understand WHY! I will do whatever it is that I can to help keep you memory alive this year in the hearts of other, because your memory will never fade with me. 

  You know some parents don't know how lucky they are to have there little ones by their sides, to love and raise them.  I would do anything to have that with you...again.  You brought me so much joy in the short time we had together. I have never loved anyone the way I love you!

   I hope this year will be better than last year, it was the hardest year of my life....because I was without you! So, please baby bless Mommy with the strength, gudiance, and love this year, please let it be easier than last year. 

  My heart will never stop aching for you. It aches every morning that I wake up to tell you good morning and that I love you, but you are not there to tell me back or to goo like you would. It hurts every night that I tell you goodnight and that I love you.  Let our Lord know that when he is ready, so am I. I cannot wait to be with you again and I look forward to that day. Everyday is one day closer to being with you.  I will never forget you....I promise!! You are my one and only babygirl, now and forever!!!

I will love you forever


Miss you always


Mommy December 27, 2008
My babygirl now and forever!!

Goodnight lil my angel. I bet you had so much fun for Christmas, singing with all the angels or gooing :) But it bet it was so magical for you. Yesterday wasnt the same, it felt like every other day in December.  I didnt celebrate Christmas....I couldnt it was just too hard. But I did take you a couple of lil presents and put them under your lil Christmas tree out at your special place. Sometimes I just dont know what to do without you and thats when i need you most my angel! No matter what you will always be MY babygirl and I wills always do whatever I can to keep the memory of you alive in the hearts of others. Because I know that I will never forget you!  You have my heart and did from the moment you were in my tummy!  Then when you were born and they placed you in my arms I feel completely in love with you.  The love I have for you is to the moon and back, it will last forever.   I knew that I would love you forever and do everything in my power to protect you from harm.  I am sorry that I failed you in that aspect....please forgive me!  But now I am going to do everything I can to keep your special place looking absolutely beautiful and keeping you memory alive in not only my heart, but everyone else's.  This I promise you!

  The four months we had together were a gift from God, you were a gift from God! I thank God for the special time we had together and wish we had more time than what we did. But I try to understand everyday that the Lord needed you more than me and that you were too special for this Earth.  Although sometimes I need your help in understanding that concept, because half of the time I think its just not fair that you had to go.  I dont understand why you....why me...why us? I just dont understand, because I would have given you the world, as I was trying to do, and shown you so much love I did.  So my beautiful angel please help me to understand why you! Give me the strength and comfort that I need, that only you and our Lord can provide me. Thank you for choosing me as your Mommy and being in my life Please give all your angel friends a BIG hug for me and tell them that I cannot wait to meet them and that I always send them my love.  Also baby, you and your angel friends give all the other families the strength and comfort that they need to get through all the tough times.

I will love you forever


miss you everyday

Your Mommy Always




Mommy December 22, 2008
I love you my Kalynne

Well baby, the holidays are getting closer and times are getting harder. It is another year without you! Oh how I hate it!! I miss you so so very ver very much, I would do anything in this world to get you back... even for a second.  My heart never stops aching for you, and probably never will.  The pain never goes away! This Christmas is gonna be just like last year, like every other day in Dec. Im not celebrating Christmas again this year, its just too hard to be with the family and without you.  Everyone will be happy opening up presents with their children, while Im there screaming deep down inside with pain. Its too hard to see all the lil ones happy running around, knowing that you should be doing the same. Therefore I will just go out and be with you at your/our special place. I will be thinking of you and missing you everyday.  Wish you were here with me!!!!

I will love you forever


Miss you always



Mommy December 19, 2008
I love you my beautiful princess!!!

Hi my love,

  You are and always will be the love of my life....forever!  Another Christmas without you that Im not looking forward too.  Another Christmas not celebrating, its just not the same without you here with me. 

  Please sweetheart help Mommy, I have been so confused about so many things....I need your help and guidance baby.  I know you will show me the right way on what I need to do. 

  I will be thinking of you like always and wishing you were here with me in my arms each and everyday. 

I will love you forever


Miss you always


Sending you all my love and more! Give all your angel friends a hug for me :)

Mommy December 15, 2008
Missing You!!!

Goodnight my beautiful angel,


     I am missing you so very much, life isnt the same without you here with me! As much as I try everday to be happy and put a smile on my face for everyone to see and to live life, it still hurts everyday to have to live without you!! My world was shattered the day you went to play with the angels and there are still millions of pieces to put back together that only you can do.  You were my one and only baby, I just dont understand WHY!! I will promise you this though....I will never stop loving you and will carry on your memory forever!!


I love you with all my heart and always will


will miss you eachday we are not together



Mommy December 5, 2008
Missing you!!

Hi my sweetness,

  Tonight was our last night together...the last time I snuggled close to you and held you throughout the night...the last time I told you goodnight and sweet dreams...the last time I did the sign of the cross on your forehead while you were falling asleep...the last time rocked you to many lasts, it breaks my heart. 

  I miss you more than anything in this will always be MY babygirl, no matter what!! I will love you forever, I cannot wait to be with you in heaven.  I look forward to that special day.  Everyday is one day closer to being with you.  My love in my heart for you is so strong, nothing will change that...I promise.

  I dont want the next 2 days to come...Please be with me and everyone else. We need you....I need you! The pain in my heart never goes away, the I can actually feel my heart hurting when I breath! Life isnt the same and never will be and neither will I or my heart! Please help me with the pain baby, it hurts so much!

I will love you forever


Miss you always

Your Mommy forever

Mommy December 2, 2008
Thinking of you my angel

Hi there my beautiful angel,

  You will always be in my heart and in my mind! I miss you very much,I wish I could bring you back even for a minute.

  I remember this time last year, You and I were looking for a new place to live. You always wanted to be jumping, whether it was in your jumper or if I was holding were jumping! :) I remember I couldnt wait to put up a tree for you last year, as soon as we got settled into our new place I was gonna decorate with a Christmas tree and lights, just for you!! I know you would have loved it, because any kind of light always caught your attention, but at the same time you were so amazed by it.  So many things we never got to experience together!!

  Remeber baby, you will always be Mommy's angel...the love of my life!!!!! I promise I will never ever forget you and will never stop missing you!! One other thing that I will promise you, is that I will always make sure your special place is decorating oh so pretty! You deserve that and its the least I can for you now! Well I guess one of the only things I can do for you now.

  Please forgive me for that awful night....Im so sorry I wasnt there to wipe away your tears!!

I Will Love You Forever


Miss You Always



Mommy December 1, 2008
I love you angel

Hi my beautiful babygirl,

  There hasnt been a day that has gone by that I dont think about you an wish things were different.  I wish there was something I could do to bring you back! The heartache is still so fresh and heart wrenching, like it happened yesterday. I am so very sorry I went to work that awful night an didnt get home sooner....please forgive me, baby! Thanksgiving wasnt the same this year. Even though last year I had to work and we werent able to spend the day together I knew I would see the next day. If I would have known I would have chose to work Christmas and have Thanksgiving off! I wasnt able to celebrate Thanksgiving this year without you, I spent most of the day sleeping and the rest decorating your Winter Wonderland!

  The next few days are gonna rough, please be with me and give me strength!  As bad as I dont want the next few days to come, I know they are. I want you back!!!! Nothing is the same without you. As much as I try it just isnt!! Please know how much I love you and miss you!! You will always be Mommy's lovey love.... my life...the love of my angel!!! You and I forever and ever!

I will love forever


Miss you everday


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