Hi my pretty girl,
Well its another year that I had to start without you and I absolutely hate it!!! It isnt fair and I dont understand WHY! I will do whatever it is that I can to help keep you memory alive this year in the hearts of other, because your memory will never fade with me.
You know some parents don't know how lucky they are to have there little ones by their sides, to love and raise them. I would do anything to have that with you...again. You brought me so much joy in the short time we had together. I have never loved anyone the way I love you!
I hope this year will be better than last year, it was the hardest year of my life....because I was without you! So, please baby bless Mommy with the strength, gudiance, and love this year, please let it be easier than last year.
My heart will never stop aching for you. It aches every morning that I wake up to tell you good morning and that I love you, but you are not there to tell me back or to goo like you would. It hurts every night that I tell you goodnight and that I love you. Let our Lord know that when he is ready, so am I. I cannot wait to be with you again and I look forward to that day. Everyday is one day closer to being with you. I will never forget you....I promise!! You are my one and only babygirl, now and forever!!!
I will love you forever
Miss you always