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From Mommy to KalynneKalynne's 1st BdayVictims Day 09Kalynne's 2nd BdayKalynne's 3rd BdayVictims Day 2011
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From Mommy to Kalynne
Mommy November 10, 2008
I love u my beautiful

Hi my love,

I miss you so much babygirl! It doesnt seem to be getting any easier, it actually seems to be getting harder as time goes on.  It may be because of the holidays an the whole Dec. one year coming up too.  Please know that i'm so so very sorry for what happened to you that night.  I cannot tell you enough, it hurts my heart everytime I think about it.  I'm sorry I wasnt there to make it all better, like I always did when you were crying!  Just know that you will never be replaced in my heart..ever..because when you left a very big piece of my heart went with you!  I will do everything I can to keep your memory alive..I promise!!

I miss you everyday...all day! I'm going to be making you your own Winter Wonderland out at our special place Thanksgiving day.  I'm going to make it so pretty for deserve it my babygirl!

Please conitnue to watch over everyone an continue to give us strength an comfort. We all miss you an will never forget you. Especially your Godbrother, Davian, he misses you so much. Please continue to visit him an take care of him, like he always tried to take care of you :)

I will love you forever


Miss you always



Please forgive me baby for not being there that awful night!

Mommy August 15, 2008
I love you my beautiful

Hi my beautiful angel! I miss you so much baby an would do anything in this world to hold you one more time! Its been 8-1/2 months an not a day has gone by that I dont think about you an wish that things were different! I hope you know that I would do anything to change what happened to you an I am so sorry I couldnt do more that night!!! You are the love of my life an always will be! I will never forget you, nor will you ever be replaced in my heart!

You would be so big by now an we would be having so much fun together. I cannot wait until we are reunited an I can hold you again. When that time comes I will never let you go! I wonder who would you look like...what new things would you be long would your hair be....would you always wanna be at grandmas house...would you be walking...trying to many questions....yet I will never know the answer! I cherish each an every memory we made together an please help Mommy to never forget any of them not even the smallest detail! Cannot wait to see you again!!

                                          I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART


                                          WILL MISS YOU FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!

Mommy July 25, 2008
I love you my beautiful

Hi my Birthday Girl!!! I hope your day up in heaven was extra fun an I hope all the angels had you a big party!! I miss you everyday an wish we could have spent your special day together! My heart aches for you everyday and always will....I will love you forever! I could just imagine how big an beautiful you would be by now....I wish I could have seen you grow up and we could have done all the fun mom and daughter things together!

You had lots of flowers and balloons out there and alot of the family went to visit you and tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We all miss you so much!!! Especially me!!!! I hope you know that I would do anything in world to change what happened an have you back in my arms again.  I would love to smell you....change you diaper....feed you...sing to you....and do all the fun things we experienced together just one more time, but better all those things forever!!!! You will always be in my heart and a part of me, an I will never stop loving or missing you!!!






Your Mommy July 24, 2008
I love you my beautiful

Only a few hours until 12:00 and it will be your birthday!! I miss you sooo much baby! Everyday I wish I could change what happened and wish we were together again....always and forever!! Your birthday present finally came in, so I hope you like it! I will be out there with you all day tomorrow, but have lots of fun and make sure to eat lots of cake an ice cream!! Have a really special deserve it!! Come visit me tonight in my dreams if your not to busy......Im sending you lots of hugs and kisses tomorrow!

                                              I LOVE YOU

                                      AND MISS YOU ALWAYS


Mommy July 7, 2008
I love you my beautiful

Hey there my beautiful!!! I hope you had a good 4th of July, watching the firworks from heaven.  I wish you were here so I could have seen your face light up with all the pretty and bright colors of the fireworks.  I know you would have loved them, because you always did like bright lights an colors.  The holidays are not the same with out you! I dont even like to celebrate them because we cannot celebrate them together! There are so many things we didnt get to do....things i didnt get to show you...things a mom an daughter only do!!  







Your Mommy June 8, 2008
I love you my beautiful

Life without you is not the same! I MISS YOU so much!! If I could change what happened I would do anything in the world!  My heart still aches for you everyday I wake up an every night I go to bed! Watch over the family, an help give us the strength and comfort we need. I LOVE YOU more than anything and always will!!!!!!






Your Mommy June 4, 2008
I love you my beautiful

Hi my precious, I miss you so much baby!!! You would think that as time goes on the pain would go away and get easier, but it doesnt!! I still LOVE YOU more than anything in this world and always will. Im getting you a suprise to put out at the cemetary, well its for you but a lil for me too. Im getting you a lil baby bench, that will be personalized just for you!! Its really pretty so I hope you like it!! Come visit Mommy sometime, because I know you go visit Davian all the time.  But he miss you so much too, he is always saying something about you and wanting to buy you flowers or something.  He was always so protective of you, even though he was so young. Well have lots of fun in heaven and tell your auntie that her big sister says hi!! Wish things were different, you know I would do anything to change what happened!!



MISS YOU ALWAYS!!                MUAH!!


Your Mommy May 28, 2008
I love you my beautiful

Hi my beautiful! I just got back from visiting you!! I love being out there w/you!! Mother's Day was so hard for me, baby! I spent most of the day out there w/you! I wish so bad things were different and we were together again. You made me the happiest I have ever been in my life!!! I hope you like all the new things I took out there, especially the butterfly pinwheel.  Its huge!! I miss you everyday an want this all to be a big bad long dream!!!!! I cannot wait until we are together again!







Your Mommy May 5, 2008
I love you my beautiful

Hi my beautiful angel!!!  Tomorrow will be 5 months that we have not been together an I hate it!!! If I knew 5 months ago today that it would be our last day together... I would have never put you down. I would have hugged and kissed you all day, and would have never stopped telling you how much I love you an needed you in my life!

I love you and

miss you always!!!!


Your Mommy May 5, 2008

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